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12/28/15 02:54 PM #29    

Tad Kallini

Carol! Yay! You need a countdown clock!


12/29/15 06:36 PM #30    

Carol Frank

You bet!  I have my calendar ready for the 1st.  Right now I'm preparing to renovate my condo in Middletown. I feel like I'm coming back home.  I am one happy camper.

Caorl XOXO

12/31/15 11:15 AM #31    

Jane Civins (Malardo)

Congratulations, Carol ! Here's to fun-filled, wonderful, amazing adventures in retirement.

02/24/17 02:09 PM #32    

Lana Goldberg (Gauvreau)

Sorry to hear of Susan's passing. Can still see that twinkle in her eye.



06/21/18 12:34 PM #33    


Barry Scharf

Hell all you boomers... I just wanted to check in and let you know I am still alive and enjoying life living in St George Utah. This is such a beautiful place and living so close to 5 National Parks makes for adventure.

06/22/18 12:06 PM #34    

Serena Perlman (Stockwell)

That is GORGEOUS Barry - great to see! Thanks so much for posting it!


06/22/18 12:41 PM #35    

Anne Smith (Sullivan)

thanks barry and serena for posting its so good to hear from a classmate as our numbers dwindle and listening to all the negativity this country is going through it becomes difficult to enjoy life when there is such sadness in the world. I opened the paper this morning to enjoy with my coffee as i do every morning and the headline hit me  Military bases to host  immigrant children as if they were invited to a party and they had a choice. The deprevity of this nation screams this is how hitler got his start and we wondered why the german people allowed this to happen Will the world say the same of us in 50yrs. I'm angry that the paper would phrase the headline like that I am furious that we allow the president to fly by the seat of his pants with no true plan and i am tired of everyone taking cheap shots at one another. A true leader does not break his government he unites it and makes it stronger Our representatives are suppose to represent us not blindly parrot the president only to have to rewalk it anyway since the president has never had a relationship with true ethics or morals all of which the president of my usa should have. Well now that i have vented enough for a life time I wish all my fellow classmates a good day and wish all peace and happiness I hope who ever gets to go to the landing on the 13th take pics so the rest of us can enjoy too God bless you all


06/22/18 11:34 PM #36    


Gerard Morris

That is a beautiful area. I've ridden a big loop around/in all the National Parks there and enjoyed a lot of the back country trails. If I ever leave NJ, I'll probably make Vegas home. A two hundred mile circle around that area is some beautful country.


03/25/20 12:55 PM #37    


Gerard Morris

08/26/21 05:57 PM #38    

Diane Uslan (Rosen)

A very sad time .. too many are passing... Lenny Jacobs and Jimmy Rogers.. 2 more people from our class😢.. Lenny I hadn't talked to for years.. but I remember a really lovely guy.. he will be missed.. glad to see some of u in contact with him .     I saw Jimmy 2 years ago at our very small mini reunion (4 of us) .. he made a great effort to drive the distance.. he's the sweetest guy I know and always was since high school . I went to his service Tuesday and gave Sally a hug from all of us.      We miss all of you who have passed.😢
> every day is a gift.. don't sweat the small stuff and appreciate all you have❤️

03/06/22 07:37 AM #39    

Penny Conklin (Jeannechild)

Loved all the Jersey facts! Some were unbelievable yet Google confirmed them.  I do want to add/correct/offer a differing opinion about one item. I have never heard an actual and original Jersey person say "down the shore." That seems to have originated elsewhere, most likely South or Northeast Philly, probably because the shore were headed to was south, specifically Wildwood, Ventnor or Margate. To my knowledge Jerseyans say "to the beach" or "to the shore." Every time I hear "down the shore," it grates. It just does.  (Took me years and more years to get used to the word "hoagie" used when anyone in their right mind knew it was a sub. And under NO circumstance would one put mayo on it. Barf.)

03/07/22 08:14 AM #40    

Tad Kallini

Lived in Jersey from age 6 through college. We "went to the beach." Later, spent 21 years in Maryland, where we went "Downy ocean." Now, I just walk a few blocks to the pool. It was all good!


03/08/22 04:01 AM #41    

Dennis Puorro

Hi Penny,  "Down the shore" is a phrase used quite often, especially by those of us who are from the northern part of the state. We moved to West Deal in 1958 from the suburbs of Newark. Before moving we vacationed in and around Asbury Park. We would tell our friends we were going down the shore on vacation. If you hear someone say it you can be sure they're from the Newark area of the state.

01/10/23 10:13 AM #42    


Bruce Gassman

Hey Classmates - Just some updates to "In Memory"

1. Michael Feinberg, MD - died in 1996 (please add year)

2. Mathew Klein, Esq. - died in 2005 (Please add year)

3. Gary Gentile -  died in 2022 (Please add name & year)

01/11/23 04:25 PM #43    


Bruce Gassman

Tad - Middle photo - Gary Gentile - bottom row, 2nd from right ---   maybe someone has the grad pamphlet with all 450+ names or the AP Press story with all the names - this is junior year homeroom 

01/18/23 10:00 AM #44    


Bruce Gassman

Tad - UPDATE for Lloyd Daley - passed away in 2014 

02/10/23 10:07 AM #45    

Barbara Kaplan (Newman)

Very sad to post that our dear classmate Patricia (Pat) Holub passed away yesterday afternoon. Funeral arrangements are pending. May her memory be for a blessing. 

05/01/23 05:39 PM #46    

Anne Smith (Sullivan)

april 27 2023 sally everett scarola died survived by brother george and his wife phyllis 2 sons brian and joe

funeral arraignments family only

05/02/23 08:01 AM #47    

Lana Goldberg (Gauvreau)

So sorry to hear of Sally's passing. She was a wonderful sidekick during our high school years. Unfortunately lost touch after graduation. She was funny and always looking to find the best of times. May she rest in peace!

12/11/24 06:56 PM #48    

David Warlick


wpould please stop posting the political thoughts that you and whomever is postiong their thoughts

this wonderful forum that you created has served to keek the classmates in touch , we dont need to divide the class over political issues 

12/12/24 11:34 AM #49    


Bruce Gassman

Well Said, David Warlick - seems the TDS runs deep in him - Merry Christmas !!!

12/12/24 12:12 PM #50    

Nancy Bawnik (Silver)

I am very offenced by your political comments

12/12/24 12:19 PM #51    

Walter Martin

I want to reiterate my appreciation for all you have done maintaining our class website. You may recall that I sent you a private message quite a while ago asking if you could keep your political thoughts off this site. Unfortunately, you seem to be back at it again. As Dave Warlick has so eloquently suggested, this can result in dividing our classmates. Please keep the site as originally intended and free of your disdain of OUR president elect.

01/12/25 01:14 PM #52    

Paul Uslan

As the year comes to an end I urge you to take care of yourself and avoid accidents, because spare parts for old models like you and I are no longer in stock. 

01/13/25 12:50 PM #53    


Gerard Morris

@Paul Uslani,  LOL at your post, about body parts. A few years back, I tripped on the third step of twelve, going down my cellar steps. Had it been higher up, who knows?

Since then I go down sideways, amoung a few other habits, I've adopted to avoid hospitals.

I've also given up my motorcycles, after sixty years of riding around/across the USA.

Even at that, the fickle finger, is always out there.

Best wishes to all of the class of "65"



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