Hey, Class of '65ers! The Reunion Committee needs your help...
We've posted details for the reunion on this site, on Facebook, and other sites, and, for those for whom we have no electronic contact information, we have sent details to what we think is your home address. It's still 6 months away, and there's plenty of time to register, but we hope you'll take the time to answer this quick survey about your thoughts regarding attendance. Just 5 questions. Thank you so much, and see you "Down Beside the Sparkling Waters" soon!!
You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.
* Answer Required
* Have you received information about the 50th Reunion?
* Are you planning to attend the Friday evening event at Otto's?
* Are you planning to join us on the APHS tour Saturday morning?
* Are you planning to attend the Saturday evening Dinner/Dance at Doolan's Shore Club?
NEW QUESTION (June 2, 2015): Attending the Saturday Evening Dinner Dance? Are you bringing a guest?
* Are you planning to join us Sunday morning at Kelly's for Brunch?